Festal Altar Frontal, Kings Lynn
© Nigel Roberson. Reproduced with kind permission of The Minster and Priory Church of St Margaret, King's Lynn
Festal Frontal, Kings Lynn Minster
Festal Frontal, Kings Lynn
Silk ground, gold, lurex, metallic yarns and fabrics. Raised work, hand and machine embroidery.
Dimension: 259cm x 99cm
Beryl Dean was commissioned to design and create three altar frontals for St Margaret's Church, King's Lynn, Norfolk, England between 1965 and 1969.
Designed by: Beryl Dean
Made by: Beryl Dean, Con Bolton and Elizabeth Elvin.
Owned by: The Minster and Priory Church of St Margaret, King's Lynn
Tagged in: King's Lynn Minster
More info: Alter frontal image on King's Lynn Minster website